We use BOTH UPS and POSTAL SERVICE to provide you the ultimate selection in shipping methods.
How to Order
Ordering is easy on Top End Power. Simply send e-mail us your list of items and a shipping address and we'll take care of the rest!
Payment Methods Accepted
- Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover)
- Paypal
- Money Orders, Wire Transfers
Credit card and Paypal not available for some countries. Please email us your list of items for more information if credit card or paypal is unavailable for your country.
By Paypal
Paypal orders may be taken over the phone or via E-mail by a customer service representative. Once your order has been taken, our representatives will review your order with you and give you a reference number for the Paypal system. Simply send payment via paypal to info@topendpower.pl. Please reference the quote number your customer service representative gave you. Your address must be verified prior to payment input.
Note: Paypal not available for some countries. Please email us your list of items for more information if credit card or paypal is unavailable for your country.
Paying by Wire Transfer ?
Orders that are being paid for by wire transfer must be taken over the phone or via E-mail by a customer service representative. Once your order has been taken, our representatives will review your order with you. Once full payment is received we can ship your entire order immediately.
International Shipping Options
UPS Standard (3-10 business days) Affordable and reliable door-to-door service to EU. UPS Standard delivers in 3-10 business days.
Postal Priority Mail International (6-10 business days) Reliable and economical means of sending international shipments. Actual delivery time may take longer due to custom delays if shipped outside EU. For faster services, please see EMS Worldwide services.
(EMS) Express Mail International (3-5 business days) An excellent service that provides fast and reliable international shipping. Delivery time is estimated 3-5 business days. Actual delivery time may take longer due to custom delays.
Disclaimer: The above information may subject to change over time. Please use this page for reference only. Top End Power reserves the right to update this page at any time.
Customs & Brokerage Fees: Some international packages outside Eeropean Union (EU) can be subjected to fees from the your country's customs. Top End Power is not responsible for payment of taxes, and/or duty fees. The amount that is charged varies for each country and we do not know what you will be charged. Please call us if you have any more questions regarding this.
All delivery times below do not include processing time. Although most orders will go out the same day, Top End Power may take up to 48 hours to process orders. Delivery times are estimated and are not guaranteed unless otherwise noted.
Delivery times are specified in business days, Monday to Friday, and begins the day after the shipped date. For example, if a package was shipped on Monday and will take 3 days to arrive, then the delivery day will be Thursday.
Guaranteed services are guaranteed from the shipped date, not purchase date. Please contact us to check stock or inquire about different shipping options.
Please e-mail us at info@topendpower.pl or call us at (+48) 694-502-500 with any questions.